
Depicted here are the two crowns of Jesus. The crown of thorns reminds us that He is our saviour.
The crown of victory (the kingly crown) reflects His Lordship in heaven and on earth. 
With the first crown in mind, we give ourselves to him in gratitude.
With the second crown in mind we submitourselves completely to Him.

Stewardship is therefore our right response to Jesus. We give our response to His all.
In addition, we are reminded that through His suffering we find our salvation,and
through His victory, we find way to the crown that awaits us in heaven.


“Christian Stewardship and Generosity starts
                  with the giving of one’s total self-first to God”.

Well done, good and faithful savant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your Master.

 Matt 25:23

For more information, please contact our stewardship team below.

Stewardship Team

  • Cryton Rambo              0977 826904 
  • Sr. Moonga Makumbe    0977