The Communication Department acts as a facilitator to Administration and all departments of the Church in witnessing to the community; as well as assist in getting its’ message to both internal and external publics.

In order to do this, the department will use all available media, and produce content that is relevant to specific demographics within the respective publics.
The Communications Department of the Kabangwe Main Seventh-day Adventist Church exists to support church leadership and all church departments in communicating messages and news, to advertise events to both the membership and the community at large, and to assist in coordinating efforts to fulfill the evangelistic mission of the church.

The goal of the Communications Department of the Kabangwe Main Seventh-day Adventist Church is to be available to leadership and ministry departments involved in holding events for the church membership as well as for the community. The Communications Department also aims to provide news and information that may be of interest and benefit to the church and the community.

MISSION: Building Bridges of Hope”

      (2017 Communication Tranning Eden institute Lusaka Zambia)

 PURPOSE: Our purpose is to aggressively, yet lovingly and humbly share the message of the Three Angels of Revelation 14 in a way that souls will be favorably attracted to Jesus Christ, and elect to follow Him.

The desired effect in our mission and activities is to create a favorable image of the church, its mission, life and activities, and to witness in order that many may follow Christ and become members of His church.    

News and information
It’s vital to keep church members informed about upcoming activities, and equally important to share church news with conference communication directors and the larger Adventist family. We will manage the Kabangwe Main SDA Church presence on the Internet - kabangwesdachurch-lusaka.adventisthost.orgConnect with us also on Face
 book Instagram, and other social media.

Advertising and promotion
Strategically promote all church programs/events and evangelism campaigns to attract attendance. To produce flyers and posters for ministry leaders and participating members for special events or campaigns and services by using the internet and social media networks.

“Through the years divine instruction has come to the church concerning the importance of using contemporary communication media in spreading the gospel. We have been counseled: We must take every justifiable means of bringing the light before the people. Let the press be utilized, and let every advertising agency be employed that will call attention to the work. Means will be devised to reach hearts. Some of the methods used in this work will be different from the methods used in the work in the past . . . .” SDA Church Manual, pp. 121-122.


  • Explore justifiable means of bringing the gospel before the people
  • Make our existence visible
  • Churches to have clear strategically placed bill boards
  • Church members to be oriented annually on the internal media of the church
  • Church members to be exposed to the use of secular press
  • Churches to have access to internet services daily
  • Good relationships among church members and non church members to be encouraged

How We Serve

Matthew 5:13-16 states that, followers of Jesus Christ are the light and salt of the world. Paul writing to the Hebrews explained how God speaks to His people: “God who in sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds.” Through the help of Jesus Christ, let’s use many means of communicating God’s saving grace.

For more information, please contact our Communication team below.

Communication Team
 Gerrad Sapi
 Saviour Masawi
 Prince Chisenga