Education Department


Adventist Education was officially launched in 1872. It began from a one roomed school above the living quarters of Goodloe Harper Bell who was a teacher in Battle Creek, Michigan.

From the very beginning, the leading voice in providing the conceptual foundation and projecting the vision
of Adventist Education was a woman who did not have extensive formal schooling but who was well read
E. G White. In her 30 paged essays, “proper education 1872 – 1873 later expanded in her books (education 1903)
and counsels to parents, teachers and students. (1913) She outlined a visionary yet practical philosophy and mission
for Adventist education.


True education means more than the persual of a certain course of a study. It means more than a preparation for the life that now is.
It has to do with the whole being and with the whole period of existence possible to man. It is the harmonious development of the physical,
the mental and the spiritual powers. It prepares the student for the joy of service in this world and for the higher joy of wider service in the
world to come. Ed, p. 13

How We Serve

  • We promote education that: -
  • Affirms God as creator and the ultimate source of all truth goodness and beauty
  • Is Bible based, Christ centered and projected toward an eternal life with God.
  • Seeks harmonious development of the whole person, heart, mind, body and relationship
  • Nurtures the information of a character based on core Christian values
  • Provides balance among solid scholarship – creative thinking and practical skills.
  • Promotes loving service to fellow human beings as life’s highest calling.
  • Encourage students to commit their lives to Christ and join the Adventist church.

For more information, please contact our Education team below.

Education Team

  • Sr. Makumbe Moonga
  • Sr. Musonda W.Lauzi
  • Br. Rambo Cryton